
This is Saturday...ballet day....lately I've been taking all three kids to Sophie's ballet...sometimes she fights me getting there...Jacob always asked 7-15 times "Can I play a game on your iPod when we get there?" ....Oliver is obliviously happy... This day was observation day...when the parents come in to watch their kids the shy kids tend to act up and pretend to need thier parents..which is what Sophie she sat on my knee and watched the rest of her class....I had to snap a pic... I used to sleep in a decade ago..I think..I don't remember ...what was I doing 10 years ago? April 2001..hmmm..right..the Jive Kings...we had just finished winning our 2nd ECMA a couple months previous and things were really cookin..we were giggin a lot..travelling all over the maritimes...making a living playing the bass...what a strange concept I play the bass for fun...and that's not a bad thing when you think about it...full circle... Grade 9...all I...