Hospital Tour

So tonight we had our hospital tour...I know it seems late as Elizabeth is due in 3 weeks but I missed the original tour in December because I was doing the Dinner Theatre...

I'm so glad I went on the tour because...well...on the way to the hospital I realized....when we're in Labour...I have no idea where to drop Elizabeth off and where to park.  I realized I was faced with two choices...Emergency and the Front Door...


But...I learned I was wrong.

Seems I have to drop Elizabeth off at the front door ( okay well I could park first and make her walk but I'm not that stupid ), get her to Labour and Delivery, go to admitting to make sure she's signed in alright, and then go park the car and then run back to Labour and Delivery.

I mean COME ON...where the hell is the Labour and Delivery Valet Service...I know it's PEI but for Heaven's Sake!

As soon as I realized this a scary thought entered my mind....

My Left Elbow!

Maybe not scary to you and it's a bit of a long story but...on the night before our wedding my mother came to see "Something Wonderful" at the Confed Ctr and well...Mike was meeting my friend Paul Christian and my Bro-In-Law Kenny Vail after the show to rehearse a song they were singing at the wedding the next day...

Mike was kind enough to lend me his car to take my mother for breakfast the next morning...

So as my mother and I were heading towards the parking lot I hear Mike, Paul and Kenny discussing where to rehearse and I thought I heard something about "...can't rehearse here...".  I think nothing of it until I finally get to Mike's of those Oldsmobiles that you need two keys to open the for the ignition...

Mike only gave me the key to the ignition...

Then it hits me "...can't rehearse here..."

They've gone somewhere else besides the confed Ctr and I have no idea where...I'm stuck with no key to Mike's car doors... time Elizabeth and I were in Montreal ( don't worry...pertinent to the story ) and we were shopping and I saw these thick soles...awesome shoes...I buy them... Mistake )

Back to night before wedding... So..I realize I need to find Mike as soon as humanly possible...get the 2nd Key...and have a successful wedding the next day... all was riding on the key...

"get the key..."

"get the key..."

"get the key..."

this is what I keep saying to myself as I a 4 year old...limbs flailing....panting..."get the key"..."get the key"..."get the key"...across that old parking lot beside St. Dunstan's Bascillica...the one that hasn't been paved or improved since the Great Bascillica Fire of 1812...and I run..and I speed...and I'm wearing my cool black shoes from Montreal with the thick and heavy soles...and as I'm nearing the end of the parking lot I fail to notice the dip in the pavement...and in a blinding flash of pain my shoes trip over the uneven pavement and I go down like bambi on ice landing full force on my left elbow, continuing in a very non-graceful roll across the pavement...luckily my face was the only thing that didn't suffer....

but my left Elbow..

myyyyyyyy left Elbow..


Blood....Dirt...Pieces of gravel...Pieces of 290 Year old Pavement....stuck in my elbow and all around...pain like I've never felt...

Panting, in pain, sweaty from running, my left elbow covered in dirt and blood I find Mike, Kenny, & Paul...rehearsing at the confed Ctr...the only logical place they would....

" ....give me the no no....the other key.....this one is for the ignition...and the other is for the's an oldsmobile...thanks..gotta go...getting already know that...see you tomorrow..."

My elbow was so bruised that I couldn't put any weight on it for a week..and on my wedding day as I sat there, happiest man alive, enjoying the reception, I would lean forward and rest on my elbows, forgetting the previous nights adventure, and wince in pain.  That night when I took my tux off ( and before going for a slice of Jack's Pizza ), my white shirt was a tad bloody in the left elbow area...

To this day I can feel a little nubbin moving around in my left elbow...I had it checked out in case it was a piece of chipped bone or historic pavement..but it's just cartilidge..mmmmmm..

So...back to that Scary thought...

My Left Elbow...

...drop her off....get her to Labour and Delivery..go to Admitting....park the full tilt across the hospital parking lot like a 4 year old, tripping on my shoes crashing onto, likely, my left elbow...

ah but it will be worth it...

Can't wait



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