Back to bassics

I used to write all the time in my late teens and early twenties - in journals, on scraps of paper, on the margins of text books, in scribblers, in binders, on loose-leaf, on exam booklets, and then on the computer saved nicely in word files - writings....word rants, songs, poems, stories, ventings, angerings, lovings, likings, stuff, deep stuff, important stuff, silly stuff, starts of screen plays, eventual hit songs, love letters - lonnnnnnng love letters, little silly notes, expressions and explanations of actions, feelings, thoughts, desires....

you get the picture.

and then I stopped for a while.  I was tired of words.  I didn't have anything to say.  I stopped writing songs.  I stopped writing poems.  I stopped creating movie ideas.  I stopped writing book ideas.

Then about 8 years ago I got into the web game, comparatively late - and while I was living in Calgary in 2005 I created my own blog from scratch as a small project for additions to websites I was building for friends and clients.  I was so out of the web-social loop that I didn't even know what a blog was or where the word came from.  In fact my very first Blog post on May 1st 2005 was on that very subject. "It's a web-log" someone told me..."oh...that makes sense".

I wrote again.  and people responded - it was fun.  I discovered the joy of online writing - blogging.  I blogged for three years and then I stopped.

Life and work "got in the way".  Before 2006, I was a self employed musician for so long doing web stuff on the side and was "fortunate" enough not to have a regular 9-5'er and still get by.  I suppose working for the ECMA's was sort off a 9-5 gig but it didn't feel like it.

Don't get me wrong - I wouldn't trade my current position at CGI in to have back the days of "Oh dear God how am I going to pay for my cell phone bill? groceries? mortgage? diapers? etc, etc"  I am fully appreciative of how lucky I am on PEI to have such a great job with great benefits and a wealth of resources at my fingertips.

I guess now almost 5 years in ( wow ) at doing the "9-5" gig I'm still in the infancy of corporate life and essentially still adjusting to it...that and having three kids under the age of 5, and now a wife full time in school well..the adjustments keep rolling in and I keep adjusting.   I'm like Gumby I've become so flexible.  Roll with the punches.  escape the upper cuts.  Succeed and survive.....but foremost survive first.

Attitude is everything..its powers are unparalleled.  Mind over matter and mind what matters.

So what I'm trying to say without saying it but really I just said it because I did ....I'm going to write again. Back to bassics. ( bassics because I play bass....see how I did that?  word play at its finest ...that one's free but the next you'll have to pay for...oh yeah!! )


  1. Yeah, I'm so excited that you're back!! I love reading your rants :)

    1. Thanks Amanda ( I know I'm a tad late in replying ) .... have you read my latest re: guitar, etc? :)

  2. I can identify all too well with so much of what you said. I love words too. I love learning new words, finding just the right words or coming up with just the right turn of phrase. I also used to write a great deal and I miss it. I miss the freedom of a blank page or white screen. I need to get back into it somehow. Maybe one of these fancy, new-fangled, "weblogs" would work for me too. Thanks for reminding me of myself. I'd forgotten me for a bit.

    1. you...should totally write a blog... I'd love to read it :) as long as if you talk about me you talk about all the nice thing I do hahaha

  3. Amanda...rant I shall! haha

    Elizabeth: Say the word and I'll set you up with one.... :)


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