Jim Morrison's Death and Me

No One Here Gets Out AliveI had never owned an album by The Doors until this month.  Of course I knew of their "hits" but I never got past that.  I liked the songs but never dug deeper.  Never felt the need to. 

I find it amazing, yet uncoincidental, that Jim Morrison died on July 3rd 1971 when he was 27 and on this past July 3rd 2005, at the age of 27, I walked into a used book store with no predetermined purpose and bought "No One Here Gets Out Alive", the biography of Jim Morrison, subsequently turning into a first time Doors fan, buying their first 5 CDs in the span of a couple weeks, watching all Doors concert DVDs I could find, buying two of Jim Morrison's books of poetry..or as he would have preferred, James Douglas Morrison's books of poetry, and I just finished watching Oliver Stone's movie The Doors...yes...for the first time. 

There are no such thing as coincidences...there are only events that have meaning.

The Lords. Events take place beyond our knowledge or control. Our lives are lived for us. We can only try to enslave others. But gradually, special perceptions are being developed. The idea of the "Lords" is beginning to form in some minds. We should enlist them into bands of perceivers to tour the labyrinth during their mysterious nocturnal appearances. The Lords have secret entrances and they know disguises. But they give themselves away in minor ways. Too much glint of light in the eye. A wrong gesture. Too long and curious a glance.

The Lords appease us with images.  They give us books, concerts, galleries, shows, cinemas.  Especially the cinemas.  Through art they confuse us and blind us to our enslavement.  Art adorns our prison walls, keeps us silent and diverted and indifferent.

From "The Lords and New Creatures" 1969


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