Pennies from Anne's Bass Player

Today during the matinee of Anne of Green Gables ( which btw...Heather MacGuigan filled in for Jenny Toulmin today and kicked ass! ) ...that's gotta be the world's quickest digression...

there I go again... during Anne of Green Gables ( which was sold people were sitting in the front row )'s important to the really is...because ya see...where my head is  in "The Pit" is about foot level with those people in the front row....and well..there was this girl...( well I assume she was a girl...she was wearing girlie offense to the guy who may have been wearing the very feminine sandals ) ..there was this girl sticking the front part of her sandals in the crack between the floor and the barrier between the front row and the pit...enough so that about 2-3 inches of her sandals were about 18 inches from me....and was distracting...I'm sitting there trying to provide the thumping accompaniement to Anne's frozen treat song and Matthew's death, etc, etc..and there are these girlie sandals popping in and out of the cracks just enough to catch my attention and convince me that it's some weird pastel coloured animal rising from the depths of the pit to kill Anne's bass player...yeah...anyway...So...instead of getting annoyed I decided to have some fun... wiiiiiiiiiiiiicked...

I look at the tips of her Sandals that keep popping into the pit and think...hmmm...I should grab a hold of the sandal and when she pulls her foot back her sandal will stick!  haha wicked!  but then I decide...too risky..she might get weirded out and make some noise and then I might get busted...then I would be funny to write some weird message on a piece of paper and tape it to her sandal...but then I remember when I was in the pit for Brigadoon in highschool and we were doing a matinee for local elementary schools and my good buddy Shawn Doiron wrote a bunch of wierd notes to the kids in the front row included the famous one... "Hey Kid....want some POOP?!!"  We thought it was hilarious....until the next day when our director Roger Jabbour held up an envelope filled with all the notes he wrote to the kids....they were kind enough to bring the notes to their teacher and Shawn was busted...had to write a letter of apology to the school and everything...awesome...

So....I didn't feel like writing a letter to any tourist with pink sandals....

So....I decided on something a little more subtle...something with class....but still just as dumb...

I took two pennies that I found in the pit and the next time she stuck her sandals through the crack I put one on each sandal tip...where the ball of the front of her foot would go once she took her sandals back and put her foot down...

and for some reason it struck me so funny...and I laughed....and laughed....and laughed...and laughed...

silently of course...I mean geez...I can't interupt Marilla's grief over the loss of her brother....that would be tasteless!!!


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